Wear comfortable shoes and clothes! If you’re coming to pick your own strawberries at our south Georgia farm, you will have to walk to the field and up the rows so be sure to dress comfortably! Be prepared to walk to the field (it’s 90 yards). We do not allow...
The perfect strawberry
Jennifer McMillanApr 18, '18
Time after time, we see people picking the berries in the 1st picture and hear them call the 2nd picture “over-ripe”. The berries in the 2nd picture are the best tasting berries in the field! This misconception comes from what we are accustomed to seeing in the...
We're dreaming of a white...January??? What does that mean for fruit seasons?
Jennifer McMillanJan 15, '182 comments
Snow on the farm and what that means for this year's crops.
Recovered Pictures of a past Christmas Fail
Jennifer McMillanDec 7, '17
While we are on the theme of fails on the farm...This gem popped up in my facebook memories today. I was painting a chimney background for our Christmas float for the Enigma Christmas Parade. The theme was home for the holidays. My super talented aunt, Julie Jones, who owns Art's Afire...