What does this weather do to South Georgia Strawberries?
Jennifer McMillanMar 5, '19
If you live in South Georgia you may have to have a canoe or boat to get to work! The rain has been relentless, pretty much since Hurricane Michael hit in the fall. Since we have received record breaking amounts of rain in Georgia, many people call to inquire about the strawberries since we opened in February. Sometimes, later in the season, when it's super hot, excessive amounts of rain plus the heat can leave us with damaged berries b/c the strawberries aren't as firm and strong as they are in the winter. Luckily, even though alot of South Georgia is under water, the weather has been cool and the rows are bedded up to prevent flooding in the field and we use plastic to help the water run off, as well as protect from disease, bugs, and weeds. As for the cold weather predicted for tonight, we still have our row covers out so we will close the field early today and cover the rows to protect them from the frost. If you'd like more info about how the cold is necessary and affects our crops, check out our past blog posts about Cold Weather, Chill Hours, and the fruit that we grow!